Dr. Danny Morano
Dr. Danny Morano is an International Minister, Writer and Speaker. He is the author of 7 groundbreaking books which have been translated into several languages and distributed several nations. Dr. Danny also holds 3 Honorary Doctorates for his work in Biblical studies, teaching and Humanitarian Missions.
For the past 25 years he has brought his powerful preaching, Healing and Miracle ministry to several continents! He is in demand in many lands for his revelatory and dynamic oratory accompanied by demonstrative ministry in signs and wonders. He is also highly revered for his ability to train and equip spiritual leaders for fruitful supernatural ministry!
Thousands are attending his Healing and Miracle Crusades and receiving wondrous healings, deliverances and miracles! In lands such as India and Pakistan where Christ is still greatly unknown to so many, scores of people are receiving salvation and Pastors are receiving Holy Spirit impartation and training for the mission field. Testimonies of salvations, healings, miracles and transformations of spiritual leaders and churches pour in weekly from the Online Bible Schools, Pastors Conferences, Virtual Crusades and TV broadcasts! As well as the mass conversions and miracles occurring through the Evangelistic outreaches and believer’s meetings being conducted by Dr. Danny’s students and under shepherds in their respective regions!
Dr. Danny is the founder of Ekklesia Online Bible Schools whereby 100’s of Pastors and students are being trained, certified and sent into the mission field. These thriving schools are now operating in India, Pakistan, Nepal and Haiti and other nations are planned for the near future. He has also pioneered TV programming and channels with translation in the countries where his programs are broadcasted. Virtual crusades are also a large part of reaching these foreign lands with the Gospel message alongside airing of the Online Bible School courses and special event teaching.
Dr. Danny has also maintained an Apostolic teaching and ministry presence online for the past 6 years through his website godisnotreligious.net, God is not Religious YouTube channel and Facebook Fellowship group through which he pastors and equips people from all over the world via his weekly meetings and Revelatory online courses.
What We Believe
- We believe there is One True God .One God-three distinctive Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This God has existed before all time, outside of time and created all things.
- We believe in the deity of the Eternal Son of Man, who was incarnated in the Person of Jesus Christ that He existed before time, created and rules the universe along with the Father. We believe in His virgin birth, earthly supernatural ministry, propitiatory sacrifice for mankind’s sin, His death, burial and resurrection and His literal, physical return to the earth, as prophesied in the scriptures, to judge the wicked, redeem the righteous and establish His eternal kingdom on earth.
- We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Person and has come from the Father, sent by the Son to baptize Christ’s believers in fire, indwell them, seal them unto the day of redemption and is the full expression of Christ’s ministry on the earth through the Church
- We believe that all mankind is in a fallen, sinful state due to his willful disobedience to God and is in need of forgiveness and salvation. This fall from God’s favor occurred initially in the Garden of Eden through Adam and Eve and has been passed on spiritually and physically to every member of the human race.
- We believe that God has provided the sole means for forgiveness of this sin, deliverance from eternal punishment and restoration to relationship with God through Christ’s atoning sacrifice on the tree and that the blood he shed is the only vehicle for salvation.
- We believe that salvation is procured by faith alone in Christ’s sacrifice for the payment of sin apart from any keeping of Law or self effort and is the only exclusive means to salvation. This faith is enacted by belief from the heart and confession from the mouth and must be practiced and maintained faithfully throughout one’s lifetime. In order to receive redemption One must lead a life of adherence to Christ’s teachings, submission to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
- We believe that water baptism is not optional, is a supernatural event and the demonstrative act of surrender to God.
- We believe that the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper (Communion) was commanded by Christ and should be observed by His Church (body).
- We believe that the Baptism of Fire in the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in unknown tongues (heavenly language) is not optional, is for every believer, was commanded by Christ and is a necessary element in the process of ultimate redemption and proof that one has truly received Christ’s life and been born again.
- We believe in the full, supernatural ministry of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit which includes all the miracles, signs and wonders performed, both by Christ and His initial followers as recorded in the scriptures. This ministry of the Holy Spirit in all its supernatural demonstration has not ceased upon completion of the first generation of the Church and is available to all Believers today and commanded by Christ to be active in the life and witness of the Church.
- We believe that Christ is the founder, creator and Head of His Church (Greek: Ecclesia – gathering of the called out ones) and is the sole mediator between man and God. There is no clerical or religious hierarchy or exalted, earthly religious leader whom one must recognize as mediator to come to Christ.
- We believe that the true Church of Jesus Christ is an organic, fellowship of believers who share faith in Christ and life in the Holy Spirit. The Church is not an institution with a reigning hierarchy and is absolutely independent of the state, nor is it divided between clergy and laity, but is the mystical body of believers, whom have been placed by the Holy Spirit into the spiritual temple of God.
- We believe that all leadership in the Church is founded in servant hood and the equipping ministries Christ has gifted to the Church: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers are functions, not titles and offices.
- We believe that every believer should be active in ministering to others, not passive or inactive and carry no inferior distinction from leadership.
- We believe that the scriptures are the exclusive expression of God’s will. We hold to the absolute authority and supernatural inspiration of the scriptures, both the scriptures found in the canon of the Bible as instituted by the Nicene Council, but not limited to this, also inspired writings which were excluded from the canon, but are quoted and referenced in the Bible and were previously recognized as inspired and authoritative historically.
- We believe in the existence of supernatural evil beings that rebelled in Heaven against God and were expelled and cast down to the earth and are presently at war with God, His purposes and His people. These fallen angels and their offspring, demons are real and torment and afflict mankind. The only power to defeat these evil beings is found in the Name and Blood of Jesus Christ.
- We believe in the final judgment of wicked angels and mankind by God, the millennial reign of Christ on the earth and the eternal reward of the righteous and eternal damnation of the wicked.
- We believe in a literal, physical, supernatural resurrection of all believers in Christ upon His one and only visible, triumphant return to earth. This is a physical return, visible to all and culminating in His judgment, with no preceding invisible, “secret” snatching away “every eye shall see Him”.