Ekklesia (pronounced ek-klay-see’-ah) is the word used in the original Greek manuscripts of the New Testament to describe the entity Christ said He would build in Matthew 16:18. This scripture is used as the mandate from Christ to build churches by the organized Church. However, this word has been transliterated Church into our English translations and is not a proper translation of the word Ekklesia.

The original meaning of the word in the koine Greek language refers to a people” called out and summoned to”. The word refers to a chosen group of people separated unto a special purpose and distinction. This is contrary to the meaning of the word Church which has come to represent a religious organization, institution or system and is focused on the impersonal system of Christianity and not the personal and intimate relationship between the Lord and His “called out” people. 

According to scripture, the Ekklesia- gathering together of the called-out ones is a living, breathing organism (body of Christ, Christ being the Head) supernaturally birthed by the Holy Spirit from the heavens and is called out of the world with all its servitude to earthly institutions, values and ideals. This is the spirit and core emphasis of this ministry’s teaching, training and equipping of Christian Leadership. Whereas the Church is an institution recognized, sanctioned and ordained by the worldly authorities and derives its ordination and authorization from the State. 

The Holy Spirit has instructed me to restore the true meaning of Christ’s proclamation in Matthew 16:18 which is that He is building a “called out people” in the Spirit. His statement is not a mandate commanding man to build a religious system manifesting itself in a Temple Cult consisting of church buildings and manifesting itself in an earthly institution married to the State and its culture. 

Foreign Missions

Despite the horrible year 2020 was with the Covid 19 Lockdowns and travel restrictions this has been the most exciting and fruitful year that this ministry has ever experienced! On the eve of the Coronavirus theater, we traveled to India and Pakistan on an amazing Apostolic Mission. We held Healing Crusades and Pastors Conferences and saw God move miraculously among the poor people of these persecuted countries. Many long-term and valuable relationships were established.

In 2020, we also started a TV program in several regions of India and a TV show, YouTube channel and TV program in Pakistan! We are receiving scores of powerful testimonies of healings, salvations and Baptisms in the Holy Spirit! Many Pastors from traditional and denominational backgrounds are being transformed by the teachings and impartation coming through the TV screen! Hallelujah!

We expect even more glorious results this coming year but along with the excitement comes the added challenge of having to raise more support to meet the demand.

Would you consider joining this ministry as a monthly partner in reaping this limitless harvest for the Kingdom of God! If you are already a partner, then would you consider increasing your monthly commitment? The Lord and I really need your help to take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reach so many unreached peoples and Pastors in need of training and equipping in these fertile lands! Blessings

Ekklesia Online Bible School

Upon the emergence of the Covid 19 crisis the Holy Spirit had me put into action what He had been speaking to me about for a while:

I started Ekklesia Online Bible Schools in the countries I had visited, and these have been greatly attended by Pastors and Spiritual leaders! In 2020 we concluded our 1st course “Sinners Prayer Gospel” with 8 classes! The students and their leaders are so excited that they have taken the recorded video teachings and used them for Evangelistic outreaches and Church conferences. This Apostolic message that I am broadcasting virtually is spreading like a blazing fire! We are experiencing much greater attendance and several new classes opening for our new course- ”The Ekklesia” which commenced in January 2021. We have added 3 new classes and had 3 very successful Pastors Conferences already this year!


God is Not Religious Fellowship Calls

Leader: Dr. Danny Morano

Meeting Time: Saturdays at 8PM

Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/975870743


An open forum approach to church fellowship, promoting and cultivating an interactive format where teaching is imparted through a question and answer process.

Participants are encouraged to present their spiritual queries and struggles in an orderly and concise manner, whereby the residing elder/overseer/teacher will attempt with the aid of scripture and Holy Spirit inspiration to provide adequate instruction, correction, inspiration to provide adequate instruction, correction, inspiration and encouragement.

Comments and exhortation may also be solicited from the other participants within the bounds of relevance and congeniality. The overall objective being, to create a liberated atmosphere where people feel free and comfortable to share their concerns and get their longtime, internalized questions at the least addressed and ideally answered.

This format is being employed to stir discussion and participation amongst God’s people and counter the current spectator, one-way monologue program that is being practiced in most contemporary church worship services. The goal being to allow the Holy Spirit the freedom, time and interaction to bring knowledge, wisdom, healing and support to the members of Christ’s body, for one another and by one another.

As well as, inviting outside seekers of truth into a non-intimidating, non-traditionally religious setting of dialogue, where they can pose their questions without fear of judgment and openness and acceptance in a spirit of love and mutual engagement.