God is Not Religious believes that when it comes to the Gospel, action speaks louder than words, therefore please find below some great projects for you to sponsor and become a part of God’s end time move in developing nations!

Missionaries in the Indian Jungle need Mosquito nets. Make their life better by sponsoring these now! Sponsoring this item will buy 50 nets for rural missionaries.

Bugged out by bugs!

If you’ve ever been camping near a river or marsh you may know what it’s like to be bugged out by mosquitoes! Your sponsorship of mosquito nets for rural missionaries will secure a good night’s sleep for them when visiting the villagers in the bush they minister to, and help them be fresh and dengue or malaria free for their preaching and sharing. For just $4 USD you can sponsor this gift until we reach our target of providing 50 mosquito nets to Indian evangelists out in the hot sun sharing the Gospel, or if you like you can sponsor the lot!

49 in stock


You can help our evangelists share the Gospel in far away villages and towns where there is limited access by sponsoring these bicycles to help them reach the provinces with the life giving message of the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Far out riding!

Imagine long dusty roads with little or no public transport and having to reach a certain area and return before nightfall. That’s life in rural India for an evangelist who feels led of God to reach a certain village. On his feet walking there would have taken hours, but he whispers a prayer of thanks for your kindness in sponsoring the bicycle he is riding to bring them The Message.For just $100 USD you can sponsor this gift until we reach our target of providing 5 bicycles to Indian evangelists out in the hot sun sharing the Gospel, or if you like you can sponsor the lot!

3 in stock


Here’s where you can sponsor an umbrella to keep the harsh sun off the Gospel outreach workers who are out in the unsheltered regions sharing their faith with those in the markets and villages.

Sun struck!

Perhaps you’ve been out on a long walk before on holiday in the great outdoors and come back to your hotel with a nice rosy glow from long exposure to the sun. Imagine that on steroids in India where the UV levels are high and the sun is close to the Equator! For just $4 USD you can sponsor this gift until we reach our target of providing 50 sun screen umbrellas to Indian evangelists out in the hot sun sharing the Gospel, or if you like you can sponsor the lot!

50 in stock
